Spatiotemporal visualization of air pollution and related attributes of China in
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All Attributes
The Meaning and Units of each Attribute
Attribute Meaning Units
PM2.5 The concentration of particles with a diameter of less than or equal to 2.5 microns which is also called respirable particles in the atmosphere. μg/m3
PM10 The concentration of particles with a diameter of 10 microns or less in the atmosphere. μg/m3
SO2 The concentration of sulfur dioxide particles in the atmosphere. μg/m3
NO2 The concentration of NO2 particles in the atmosphere. μg/m3
CO The concentration of CO particles in the atmosphere. mg/m3
O3 The concentration of O3 particles in the atmosphere. μg/m3
AQI AQI(Air Quality Index) describes the cleanliness and pollution of the air, and its impact on health.
PR Resident population at year-end. Per ten thousand person
PCDI Per capita disposable income. Yuan
GRDP Gross Regional Domestic Product. ten million RMB
PGDP Per capita gross regional product. yuan per person
EDUL Education level refers to the number of people with university degree or above. person
UGA Urban green area. 10000 hectares
TAAA Total artificial afforestation area. 1000 hectares
FEC Fossil energy(including coal, coke, crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, fuel) consumption. 10000 tons
NGC Natural gas consumption. ten million O3
EC Electricity consumption. ten million kWh
TSI Total output value of secondary industry. ten million RMB
CVO Civil car ownership. 10000 vehicles
RAAT Regional average annual temperature. degree celsius(℃)
RAAP Regional average annual precipitation. millimetre
RAAWS Regional average annual wind speed. meters per second(m/s)